upcomıng events Past events


Invite guests

Invite guests at least two weeks in advance and have alternative dates ready to suggest.

Be mindful

As soon as the invitation is accepted, check if any of your guests have any dietary restrictions or allergies, such as being vegetarian or vegan. Be mindful of food allergies as they can be dangerous.

Clean your home

Clean your home thoroughly the day before the dinner, and consider decorating it with flowers to make it welcoming. 


Plan ahead and do as much preparation as possible to avoid stress on the day of the event. 

Be prepared to answer any questions your guests may have about Ramadan and fasting.

If you wish to perform the Maghrib prayers after breaking your fast, let your guests know in advance, and be open to the possibility of them observing or joining the prayers with you

You may also want to consider giving small gifts to your guests as a token of appreciation. Choose items that are cultural, traditional, or symbolic of your culture. It's important to note that giving literature on Islam as a gift should be avoided as it may give an impression of trying to proselytize, unless the guest specifically requests it. If providing information to guests, be mindful of choosing appropriate content and style.