upcomıng events Past events

These fast-breaking dinners are often joyous and festive occasions, and are traditionally shared with family and friends. Muslims may also invite guests from different faiths and cultures to join them, providing an opportunity for dialogue and the development of mutual respect and friendship. 

Aims and objectives


To encourage and support individuals and groups to engage in dialogue 


To encourage more neighbourly interaction 


To encourage the opening up of different communities to one another 


To bring about dialogue between cultural, community and faith-based organisations 


To encourage inclusion of people who may not necessarily be interested in dialogue 


To get individuals and organisations interested in dialogue 


To initiate dialogue through a tangible event 

Some of our Iftar (Fast-Breaking) Dinners

Home Iftars 

Fast-breaking dinners at your home during Ramadan can be a great opportunity to socialize with neighbors and get to know them better.

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Small Community Iftars 

We bring different groups together, promoting dialogue, mutual understanding and friendship

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Large Community Iftars

We bring the community together and encourage interaction, community spirit and social cohesion

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